• Exploring the Faithful City (Birmingham)

Exploring the Faithful City (Birmingham)

Ed. Jonathan Gurling

  • Price: £7.95
  • Publisher: Brewin Books
  • ISBN: 9781858584201
  • Availability: In Stock

It was 12th September 2001. The world awoke to the grim replays of the Twin Towers disintegrating in a dust cloud of unimaginable proportions. Everyone sensed that the world had just become a more dangerous place.

In many cities the Muslim community became a target for the mindless anger of a minority. In Birmingham, the Central Mosque was daubed and Muslims going to prayer were spat at. The sense of this city as a model of good community relationships was damaged by the impact of events thousands of miles away.

Rabbi Leonard Tann, leader of Birmingham’s Orthodox Jewish community, phoned Dr Mohammed Naseem, Chairman of Birmingham Central Mosque, to offer his support and ask if he could visit the Mosque. They were joined by Bishop Mark Santer and together they gathered on the steps of the Mosque, before the press, to proclaim the bonds of mutual trust and respect between the faith communities of the city.

Out of this act of humanity the Birmingham Faith Leaders’ Group was born. Six years on and there are now 15 leaders from all the major faith communities of the city – Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs.

This book explores a year of their work from July 2006 – 12 months in which acts of terrorism overseas, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and violence on the streets of Birmingham challenged the faith leaders to seek harmony and justice and to explore the impact which faith could bring to bear on the city of Birmingham.

Format Paperback
Pages 160
Dimensions 240mm x 170mm
Illustrations black & white

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